9 Best Tips To Make New Friends

how to Make New Friends

During your early mid or maybe even late 20s, maybe even 30s and you're just realizing that your social life is virtually non-existent join the club.

Whether you move to a new city or decided to focus your energy on developing a career or a relationship. You're one of the many young adults everywhere who are silently contemplating loneliness.

Out of all the things you'll learn about adulthood the ultimate guide to meet new people is non-existent. No one tells you what to do, when all your friends get in serious relationships and you start wondering.

If it's time to get more cats move to a new city and start warming up to the homeless man on your corner of the street but it shouldn't be this hard right.

After all you're just doing the same things you did as kids only now you actually have interesting things to share so why is it. So, difficult in many cases the difficulty is just in our heads.

I know it can be difficult to start this process which is why I created the ultimate guide to meeting new people in the rest of this article you're going to learn 9 easy steps to get going in the right direction so make sure to go through all 9.

Be excited about invitations

What's your first reaction when someone invites you to an event, is it usually:

Oh I don't know I'll have to check my agenda and my planner in my calendar” or is it “

Wow that sounds great, let me check my schedule and see if I have anything important that day

Even though both replies seem the same there's a huge difference between the two and that's the level of excitement.

The first shows that you're indifferent and maybe not that much wanting to go while the second shows that you're a warm person interested in new experiences.

In reality we tend to give the first type of answer when we want to avoid showing vulnerability. Still to the person making the invite it's not that fun and they may avoid you for the next event invitation.

So, be a 100% all-in and don't be afraid to show that you were outgoing and wanting to meet new people.

Initiate social interactions

How many friends do you have on Facebook, how many of these are casual acquaintances.

An average person has at least 10 to 20 people that they casually talk to on social media. Even if they don't interact that much in real life.

Change this by sending everyone a movie invite to the local cinema or movie theater or organize maybe a coffee club meeting or beer night and ask people out.

It's not weird and it makes you the leader of the group if things actually do work out.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and move social interactions in the real world.

Use technology to find like-minded people

Since we're on the topic of social media you can use it to find events you might be interested in.

Out of all the plethora of events organized by local bars museums sporting organizations and so on. You have to find at least one interesting and don't be afraid to check going and actually go to see what's going on.

You can go alone if you want to no one's going to join you for this even more you might meet more people who also came alone and if you don't like the atmosphere you can leave at any time.

Use technology to your advantage and have new experiences that will put you in contact with like-minded people.

Add value to your discussions

Regardless of the fact that it's a business meeting or regular chitchat happening at the water cooler. Make sure to offer your contribution to the discussion.

No this doesn't mean you have to engage in gossip or rumors. It means that you should participate in discussions, not just sit there trying to be invisible because guess what it doesn't take long for invisibility to happen in social situations.

If you don't have anything to say to make the discussion more interesting just offer your positivity maybe your facial expressions and reactions help. People like being around positive people and so they will include you in the next group event which you should accept at the excitement right.

So, don't be the outsider just because you're shy or introverted. Push yourself to participate in conversations otherwise you'll come on as cool and distant.

If you're horrible and discussions and don't know what to talk about at all especially if you're a guy and you want to get really good at talking to girls or a specific girl that you like.

Volunteer for events that you like

Events happen everywhere, so look for ones that are interesting and offer your services as a volunteer.

For instance there are music events, cultural events, charities, cooking, and festivals and so on.

Once you've identified the ones that you actually like, look for the coordinator and send them an email or maybe a Facebook message asking if they need local volunteers usually they do and they would be happy to include you in the organization it's not just an amazing occasion to have a different experience.

It's also an opportunity to meet new like-minded people and connect with them. The secret here is not to join events for the sole scope of meeting of people.
Join them to improve your life and to learn more things about this stuff that you like doing.

This way, when you meet new people you already have a common passion and plenty of things to talk about.

Experience new things

This is more of a sequel to the previous tip but it's in the same area.

Now I invite you to join activities that you actually want to try.

Join a class at your local university, maybe you could start running and find groups of beginner runners. You can even start a wine tasting course.

Do anything that you will actually enjoy and it will improve your life. Once you experience new things you learn to leave that pesky comfort zone and you open yourself up to the world be the person you always wanted to be don't hold back.

Try new things and you will meet new people in the process.

Have a favorite place

Do you like drinking coffee in the morning I do! Why not, do it in a vintage coffee shop something that's close to your house while you're reading the news or maybe doing some early-morning work.

The same goes for many activities and it helps if it's at a place that you like and that's close to your heart. Maybe you'll like the bar for the atmosphere or you enjoy a cute little pizzeria.

Make this place your favorite spot in the city and visit it as often as possible. Not only will you get used to being out in the world if you're an introvert but it'll also make you more approachable.

You might meet other regulars or you might simply have a meet-up with people who are passing by you never know.

The bad idea is to put yourself out there and allow people to find you. Be approachable and friendly and some friendships are bound to happen.

Make eye contact and smile

No you don't have to stare the person sitting next to you just have to notice that the people around you notice you and me open to friendly chitchat.

Yes! You may even get asked out on a date but you can easily specify you're not looking for this if you're not into it.

Still if you're always staring at your phone or tablet or laptop and give your earphones on no one's going to approach you.

So, by making eye contact and smiling not too much smiling though you'll let people know that you're warm and fuzzy on the inside and you're just looking to meet someone who's just as warm and fuzzy and ready for cool chat.

Summary of the ultimate guide to meet new people

These tips but I find it helps to draw a conclusion.

So, to meet people you have to put yourself out there and be ready to be approachable. If you go to work and then come straight home no one's ever going to come by and drag you off the couch.

Try doing activities that you like and get out and find people who do the same things. Go to events that you enjoy and always be open to offering a smile and a friendly hello.

You will find that things will happen from there.

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