How To Add Trending Post Widget In Blogger

How To Add Trending Post Widget In Blogger

Blogger trending post widget gives your recently published posts a trending, fastest, responsive and auto scrolling that makes your Blogger blog more professional and unique look.

It is an excellent widget that will keep your post flowing. So, I would recommend to use this customized and stylish Blogger trending post widget on your Blogger blog and forget the old and slow fashioned plugins that you were using earlier.

The trending post widget which you will be going to use will show all your popular posts automatically and gives your Blogger BlogSpot blog a beautiful and trending look. It is a combination of popular post widget and your recent posts widget in a single widget.

So, just follow the simple steps and you will be done within few minutes.

How to add trending post widget to Blogger

Step 1. Login to your Blogger blog and click on Template and select Edit HTML.

How To Add Trending Post Widget In Blogger

Step 2. Click anywhere inside your template editor and pressing Control + F together search for </head> tag and paste the below code just above the </head> tag

 <script src=''/> <script type='text/javascript'>  

Note: If you have the ajax previously installed on your template then you can skip this step (Step 2.)

Step 3. Now, select Layout menu and click on Add a Gadget.

How To Add Trending Post Widget In Blogger

Step 4. Select HTML/JavaScript and paste the below code inside the content area of HTML/JavaScript.

How To Add Trending Post Widget In Blogger

 <div class='widget-content'>  
<div class="widget HTML" data-version="1" id="HTML7">
<h2 class="title">Trending Posts</h2>
<div class="widget-content">
<script type="text/javascript">document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="' +
('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') +
'">\x3C/script>');</script><script type="text/javascript" src="">
</script><script type="text/javascript">(function() {var params = {rssmikle_url: "",rssmikle_frame_width:
"315",rssmikle_frame_height: "0",frame_height_by_article: "0",rssmikle_target: "_top",rssmikle_font: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",rssmikle_font_size: "13",rssmikle_border: "on",responsive: "on",rssmikle_css_url: "",text_align: "left",text_align2: "left",corner: "on",scrollbar: "off",autoscroll: "on",scrolldirection: "up",scrollstep: "3",mcspeed: "20",sort: "Rnd",rssmikle_title: "off",rssmikle_title_sentence: "TRENDING POSTS",rssmikle_title_link: "",rssmikle_title_bgcolor: "#38A631",rssmikle_title_color: "#FFFFFF",rssmikle_title_bgimage: "",rssmikle_item_bgcolor: "#FFFFFF",rssmikle_item_bgimage: "",rssmikle_item_title_length: "55",rssmikle_item_title_color: "#1E991A",rssmikle_item_border_bottom: "on",rssmikle_item_description: "on",item_link:
"off",rssmikle_item_description_length: "150",rssmikle_item_description_color: "1E88E6",rssmikle_item_date: "gl1",rssmikle_timezone: "Etc/GMT",datetime_format: "%b %e, %Y %l:%M %p",item_description_style: "text+tn",item_thumbnail: "crop",
item_thumbnail_selection: "auto",article_num: "25",rssmikle_item_podcast: "off",keyword_inc: "",keyword_exc: ""};feedwind_show_widget_iframe(params);})();
</script><iframe height="552" width="100%" src="
rssmikle_url=http%3A%2F%2F;rssmikle_frame_width=315&amp;rssmikle_frame_height=550&amp;frame_height_by_article=0&amp;rssmikle_target=_top&amp;rssmikle_font=Arial%2C%20Helvetica%2C%20sans-serif&amp;rssmikle_font_size=13&amp;rssmikle_border=on&amp;responsive=on&amp;text_align=left&amp;text_align2=left&amp;corner=on&amp;scrollbar=on&amp;autoscroll=on&amp;scrolldirection=up&amp;scrollstep=3&amp;mcspeed=20&amp;sort=Rnd&amp;rssmikle_title=off&amp;rssmikle_title_sentence=TRENDING%20POSTS&amp;rssmikle_title_bgcolor=%2338A631&amp;rssmikle_title_color=%23FFFFFF&amp;rssmikle_item_bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;rssmikle_item_title_length=55&amp;rssmikle_item_title_color=%231E991A&amp;rssmikle_item_border_bottom=on&amp;rssmikle_item_description=on&amp;item_link=off&amp;rssmikle_item_description_length=150&amp;rssmikle_item_description_color=%23000000&amp;rssmikle_item_date=gl1&amp;rssmikle_timezone=Etc%2FGMT&amp;datetime_format=%25b%20%25e%2C%20%25Y%20%25l%3A%25M%20%25p&amp;item_description_style=text%2Btn&amp;item_thumbnail=crop&amp;item_thumbnail_selection=auto&amp;article_num=25&amp;rssmikle_item_podcast=off&amp;" scrolling="no" name="rssmikle_frame" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" frameborder="0"></iframe><div style="font-size:10px; text-align:center; "><a href="" style="color:transparent;">Trending post widget</a><!--Please display the above link in your web page according to Terms of Service.--></div><!-- end feedwind code --><!-- end feedwind code -->
<div class="clear"></div></div>
<div class='clear'></div>

Note: Change the highlighted red text with your blog URL.

Step 5. Click on Save in order to save your template and you are done.

Blogger trending post widget one of the most popular widgets which shows all your most popular and clicked posts on your Blogger blog. So, as per my opinion if you install this widget I think you don’t need to add the popular post widget in your Blogger.

Enjoy and do leave a comment below, if you find any difficulty in adding the trending post widget.

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